Saturday, March 19, 2011

Practical Magic

"Love knows no past tense. You either never loved or never stopped." -Noah Calhoun, The Notebook

(Photo by me)

Hello all!

(Photo by Rachel )

These past few days have just been what I needed in a long time. Not only was I able to finish tasks that were long overdue, but dive into events and things that I love!
Adding the sprinkle on top was the amazing good Spring weather that has taken place the past couple of days- the sheer joy of not having to wear a peacoat was enough to have me do an inner "Yes!" in my head.
This is something which I never bothered doing until now- I decided to get a pair of pretty rain boots and a floral umbrella- seriously it does wonders on a rainy day! I actually look forward to it now, and I know it's the little girl in me, but I would step on puddles without a second's thought and a holding a huge smile afterwards.

(Photo by: My Exquisite Life)

As the weather slowly improves, I feel my mood shifting towards that positivity- gone are the Winter's blues, and knowing what's to come- especially among friends, we're coming up with potential trips once the academic year draws to a close- I feel a sense of stirring delight- it stays with me as I wake up in the morning, until evening when I finish my last thoughts in my letters.

The start of this weekend has me itching to paint. So with ballet adagios playing in the background, I took out my watercolors, my canvas, and paintbrushes. So far it is not yet in completion, but I will post a picture of it once it's finished!

On Friday I had the opportunity to check out Canada Blooms- a Flower and Garden Festival that I go every year. When I was a little girl, I grew up seeing my grandmother's love for flowers and gardening, her wide backyard with a little forest had her growing a variety of vegetables- I'll never forget how huge her zucchini's were!

(Photo by me)
As I start to get older, I find myself drawn back to nature, back to my grandmother's passion for things as gardening. Canada Blooms was something I used to go with my Uncle, my Mom, my Sister, and my Grandmother.

(Photo by me)

This year had a lot of beautiful designs and flowers, with the marketplace bustling with activity.
I loved this one place in particular called Kate's Garden Studio- it had a lot of interesting things for gardening, and bath and beauty products- best of all, they had Lavender products that I simply adored.
I ended up scooping a satchel's worth of Provence Lavender buds, as its natural properties have always been well. The scent in its natural form is one of my favorite- the artificial kinds I have found in certain beauty products, to be all too heavy and never as good as the real thing. I love having Lavender bunches in the house- and it's lovely in its color for decor as well.

(Photo by me)
This design has got to be one of my favorites. I love piano works and gardening- combining those two together and you get an idea of what my future garden would consist of!

(Photo by me)

(Photo by me)

(Photo by me)
This setting reminds me a bit of Alice in Wonderland!
(Photo by me)

(Photo by me)
I loved how when you're walking throughout this exhibition, the air itself is laden with the scent of florals.

(Photo by me)

(Photo by me)

(Photo by me)

Have a wonderful upcoming week!

Joie de vivre,



  1. loving your spring moods and doings! xoxo

  2. My dear friend, this is such a wonderful blog, I didn't realize the extent as to how remarkably romantic and charming it is.
    I even heard it from fellow peers about your blog. Well done.


  3. gorgeous photos they are very inspirational!

    <3 steffy

  4. Beautiful photos! Wow.

    I love your blog, it always makes me so happy and transports me back in time....


  5. those are gorgeous photos!



Thanks for brightening my day! Always love to hear what you have to say.


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